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Macintosh tutorials

Learn something new! This category houses all the Mac-related tutorials, such as how to dismantle a Power Mac, transfer data between Old World and New World Macs or creating Macros with QuicKeys.

All videos in alphabetical order:

Apple A1048 keyboard restoration
Apple ADB Keyboard restoration

Claris E-Mailer: Making it work for you
Close All: How to close open Finder windows at once

Desktop Printers and Frequent Print Jobs
Managing a dial-up connection using Open Transport (PPP)
Disable the start-up memory test, how to
Discord & more on your retro Mac

EMUlaunch setup tutorial

Getting the most out of Find File

How Hard Disk Drives work
How to Scrobble Last.fm on PPC OSX
How vintage game controllers work
Hypercard Animation

Logic 2.0: The basics

Macros with QuicKeys
Modern Mac to Mac 512k transfer

PageStream 3.3 Basics
Popup Windows
Power Supply out of a Power Mac G4

Quicktime & Macromedia Director 3.x Q&A

Radeon 7000 vs. ixMicro Twin Turbo M8 shootout
Recapping a Macintosh LC II (+ dishwasher treatment)
Recover from a corrupted system
Recover text files from a corrupted floppy disk
Resedit: An introduction
Resedit: How to edit Finder icons
Resedit: How to make a file invisible
Resedit: How to personalize your startup screen
Restoration of an Apple IIc Plus (8-Bit Guy)
Restoring an Apple A1048 keyboard (8-Bit Guy)

Serienbriefe mit Word (German)
“Simasimac”, Fixing a
Spring Loaded Folders
Vision 3D - Create a 3D goblet

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editing in resedit on Mac OS

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